M. Scott Peck's first line of his novel, The Road Less Traveled states, "Life is difficult." Looking back over my last 57 years I'd have to agree with that. But then again, any of us who live very long get smacked in the face by life again and again. So it isn't so much the bad day that gets us once in awhile but a multitude of bad days compounded by a multitude of bad news from around your neighborhood, your state, your country and the world.Maybe it's the loss of a loved one, a diagnosis of cancer, or a child's mental illness. My family has been through difficult times, see Streams in the Desert if interested.Your family's probably been through rough times too. Maybe it's murder or suicide or drunk driving accidents or the loss of a job. Maybe it's forest fires, shootings, robberies, or the battle for the White House. Stop the world, I want to get off we say at times. But really we can't and really we shouldn't try because we can make a difference.
If you're a writer, life is difficult in that arena as well. We are either trying to get published, stay published, or debating whether to go the traditional route to publication or the indie route. You probably heard the latest regarding the Interview with Sue Grafton. I heard about it from The Kill Zone Blog on Sunday. James Scott Bell's post covered it and you can read more here. But here again we can make a difference, each of us in our own way can choose to keep our joy and do something positive.
My latest idea at the college where I work is to make what I call POWER POPS. A power pop is a Tootsie Roll Pop with a scripture or quote wrapped around the stick to help someone else have a better day. It might not change the world but it can make a difference to that someone who receives. So here's my personal Power Pop for you to help you hang on to your joy.
Pick your favorite flavor. I'll take a red one. Yum. Here's the quote for my day.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
~Eleanor Roosevelt
Here's my scripture for the day.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. ~ 2nd Timothy 1:7
What quote or scripture will you wrap around the stick? My hope is that by the time you've polished off that pop you'll have a better state of mind to help you get through the day.
So go ahead. Pick a pop.
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