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Reader Discussion Questions

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I was recently asked to send some questions to a book club regarding my first novel. I was thrilled that the hostess had chosen my book, Secrets of the Heart, to discuss. So I'm currently pulling together a list of questions. It's fun. I have to admit that it would have been easier if I'd done this right away when my book was being published. Now I have to go back to book one while I'm editing book three and try to think of questions that might stimulate conversation at a book club gathering.

Since I am in the midst of editing I'm thinking I should just go ahead and and think of questions that readers may want to discuss at the end of book three. I also think I'll develop a section of my blog for this for those readers that are interested.

As an author I ask myself a lot of questions when I start writing a book and I decide to write a book based on how much it interests me hoping that it will interest others. Some of these very same questions may in fact be those reader questions. Perhaps this practice could help us deepen our novels. What do you think?

Do you like reading novels where the author provides reader questions? Do you do this yourself for your own books whether or not you are published? Is this something you've seen more often in contemporary novels than historical novels? More often in non-fiction than fiction?


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