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Tess Gerritsen/Empty Desk and James Scott Bell/Type Hard

Friday, February 25, 2011

My blog picks of the week! I think you'll like them. I was visiting the Murderati Blog because I'm a Tess Gerritsen fan. You can read it here >  Empty Desk Syndrome? I can't even imagine this syndrome because I've just finished up everything I think I can for now on Secrets of the Heart and am about a month out from turning in my next book in the Ravensmoore Chronicle Series that is currently titled, Chameleon. I am no where near having an empty desk. I don't even know if that's possible for me. I can appreciate the break time that Tess is talking about though. She's obviously far more organized than I can ever imagine becoming. Maybe, someday. :) But with an empty desk is going to come the next project.  That reminds me of another blog post I read this week that you might enjoy too. And that was James Scott Bell's post called Type Hard, Type Fast                 


So can you see your desk? And how fast are you typing this weekend? Have a good one!


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